Web Site Terms of Use
These Terms of Use set forth the terms and conditions that apply to your use of the Liberty Bank for Savings (Central State Bank, we or us) website. Please read them carefully.
By accessing this website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below and changes that are periodically made without notice to the information contained in this site. The changes will be made by posting the most recent version to this site. If at any time, you do not agree to all the terms and conditions, do not access this site or any of its pages. You are authorized to view the information available on the Website for your informational purposes only, and this information is not transferable to any other person or entity.
Copyrights and Trademarks
This website may contain certain names, graphics, logos, words, or phrases that may be registered trademarks or service marks that identify Central State Bank or other entities and the products or services provided through Central State Bank. These marks and other information on this website are protected under the copyright laws of the United States and may not be used under any circumstances without prior written authorization of Central State Bank or the owner(s) of such marks. The appearance of the registered trademarks and service marks on this website does not imply that a license has been granted.
Unless otherwise permitted, no person is authorized to use, copy, distribute, reproduce, or republish in any form, any portion of the website materials including related graphics.
Use of this website shall be governed by all applicable Federal laws of the United States of America, international treaties, and the laws of the State of Alabama, notwithstanding any principles of conflicts of law.